This time on Food Stories, we’re taking you out to meet one of our community food members, the Tameside Meals Project. The catering group was formed during Covid by Kala Mandviwala thanks to a local authority grant. It aims to feed the most vulnerable in the local community via community organisations and social workers.
Thanks to the relationship Kala built with FareShare Greater Manchester, and the access that gave her to our heavily discounted surplus food, she was able to make that initial grant funding stretch well beyond the Covid lockdowns. Since that money ran out, Kala’s been fundraising to keep the organisation running. Each week, Kala and her team of volunteers use a kitchen in Hyde Town Hall to cook 150 to 250 nutritious meals for those in need.
In this episode, you will meet Kala as she visits FareShare Greater Manchester. We then go to Hyde Town Hall to see the Tameside Meals Project team in action.
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