Supplier Spotlight : Holland's Pies

Supplier Spotlight: Holland’s Pies

Holland's Pies donations

Throughout the summer, we are saying a big ‘thank you’ to the companies who supply us with the food we redistribute to our community food members (over 300 charities and community groups). This time, we’re shining the spotlight on Holland’s Pies.

As a community brand, we understand the role we play across the North West in supporting those around us – and knowing that Holland’s is helping FareShare make a true difference across the region is the biggest benefit we take from the partnership – Holland’s Pies

Holland’s Pies started life as a baker’s shop in Lancashire in 1851. For over 170 years, its ‘proper tasty range’ has been baked to a secret traditional recipe, passed down from generation to generation using only the finest of ingredients ever since. Today, the company prepares and bakes up to 1 million pies every week. Alongside its industry accolades, it has received song dedications, poetry and art installations. The company was even called upon to create unique Holland’s Pies wedding cakes too.

Holland’s Pies has been working with FareShare Greater Manchester since 2021 supplying a range of products across their pies and puddings range. In the first year of our partnership alone, they donated 2.2 tonnes of food to us. Since we started working together, the relationship has brought more than 5.5 tonnes of food our way which we have then been able to redistribute among our charity members.

Combating food waste

We believe that good food is best eaten, not thrown away. By giving surplus food to charity, FareShare Greater Manchester follows the food use hierarchy which calls on us to feed people in need first, before sending it to animal feed, anaerobic digestion or landfill. When food producers donate food to charity with us, they support a food waste charity and help fight hunger in our community.

As one of the North West’s most iconic brands, Holland’s Pies says it’s committed to supporting the community and is proud to have donated thousands of pastry goods to foodbanks, charities and those in need throughout its 170+ year history.

The company says making these donations has a positive impact on employee morale: “Everyone at Holland’s is delighted to be supporting FareShare, understanding the work they do is making a real difference to those in need”.

Advice for other food producers

When we asked Holland’s Pies what advice they would have for other food producers thinking of supporting FareShare Greater Manchester through food donations, they had this to say:

“We would really encourage all food producers, growers and manufacturers to get involved and donate anything they can to charities like FareShare. We all have surplus supplies to some degree, and making sure that excess stock is helping those that need it the most is important, especially during the cost of living crisis.”

Thank you Holland’s Pies for your continued support for FareShare Greater Manchester!


Give Surplus Food


food redistribution charity

FareShare is the only charity to take food from the wholesale level of the food industry

The vast majority of surplus occurs before food even gets to the supermarket. Each FareShare regional centre takes that food and redistributes to those in need. FareShare Go is our supermarket collection service, which deals with supermarket-level surplus.