Photo shows Nick, one of our volunteer drivers wearing a hi viz vest, standing behind a FareShare Greater Manchester delivery van

Volunteer Spotlight : Nick, Volunteer Driver

It’s Volunteers Week from 3-9 June and we couldn’t do what we do without our amazing team of volunteers. This week, we’re highlighting some of our volunteer roles to showcase the work they do:

Meet Nick volunteer van driver:

“I hate seeing food waste, so that’s the number one priority, I think, for the whole organisation” – Nick, Volunteer van driver for FareShare Greater Manchester.

Nick has been volunteering as a driver for FareShare Greater Manchester for almost 3 years. After retiring, he felt the need to contribute and decided to dedicate one day a week to volunteering. “I come here most Mondays, and occasionally, when they’re desperate, I’ll come in if I’ve not got anything else on – like a round of golf – then I’ll do another day, but mostly, I do Mondays.”

Every day is different when you’re driving a van for FareShare, but the structure of the days are the same. Nick says his average day starts early, “I’m here normally by half past 7, but we usually finish around 3”. In the middle of the day, once the first round of deliveries is complete, “I get back here for an hour or so and load up the van a second time.”

The benefits of regularly volunteering for FareShare are many, says Nick volunteer van driver. “It’s good exercise, it’s not too strenuous, and the people are very nice.” He continues, “I hate seeing food waste, so that’s the number one priority, I think, for the whole organisation. Making sure that food goes to those who need it, it’s as simple as that.”

Volunteer Van Drivers are vital

FareShare Greater Manchester is looking for more volunteer van drivers to help deliver the food to those who need it most. Our delivery drivers are vital to the work we do. Drivers make sure our food gets delivered to charity members across Greater Manchester. You must be over 21 to do this role, have a full, clean licence and recent, relevant, and regular van driving experience.

For anyone considering getting involved, Nick has this advice: “Give it a go! I started with a friend of mine and we drive the van together, so we have a bit of fun on a Monday, but even when I’m on my own, its very rewarding – it’s good fun. It gets me up in the morning and I enjoy the day, I enjoy the people”.

If reading our Nick Volunteer van driver story has got you thinking about volunteering, please get in touch!

Volunteer with us

Photo shows Nick, one of our volunteer drivers wearing a hi viz vest, standing behind a FareShare Greater Manchester delivery van

food waste

270,000 tonnes of perfectly edible food gets wasted by the food industry each year.

That’s enough for nearly 650,000,000 meals