BigGive Green Match Fund

Going Green(er)

At FareShare Greater Manchester, one of our key aims is to tackle the impact of food waste on the environment. Food waste accounts for up to 10% of all global carbon emissions (WWF, 2021). Carbon dioxide produced by food waste is more than four times the amount produced by the world’s entire aviation industry. Through redistributing surplus food, we avoid the waste of 9 times more CO2e than is emitted by our operations. To learn more about our impact, you can access our annual reports.

Whilst our operations are already highly efficient, we are always seeking ways to further reduce our carbon footprint and protect the environment. In 2021, we moved into our new depot at Maynard House, which has a number of green credentials. We have onsite solar panels and an EV charging point on our car park. Our ability to generate our own electricity means that some days our building is almost carbon neutral! We are now fundraising to rent an electric van, which we will charge using the free electricity generated by our solar panels. The van will reduce the carbon emissions from our food collections and deliveries. It will also reduce the amount that we need to spend on fuel.

Our fundraising target is £5000, which will fund the rental of an electric vehicle for 6 months. To help us achieve this, we are taking part in The Green Match Fund. From 20th– 27th April, every £1 donated to our cause will be ‘matched’ by Big Give, effectively doubling each donation.

If you have been thinking of supporting FareShare Greater Manchester’s mission, now is the perfect time to do so, as your donation will be worth twice as much to us.

How does it work?

Donations made to our project will be doubled during the campaign. If you would like to support our work this year, we highly recommend doing so during the Green Match Fund. Your donation will be doubled and make even more of a difference to us. Find out more about how match funding works.

What do I need to do?

  • Add a calendar reminder to your diary for 20th April when the campaign starts! Save the above donations link ready for the launch.
  • Have your 3D secure card details ready when you make your donation.

Please note the donate button will appear on the campaign page when the Green Match Fund launches.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Emily at

Finally, please pass on this message to anyone you think might be interested in supporting us and having their donation doubled.

To keep up to date with more upcoming fundraising opportunities, sign up to our newsletter.

Green match fund BigGive

food redistribution charity

FareShare is the only charity to take food from the wholesale level of the food industry

The vast majority of surplus occurs before food even gets to the supermarket. Each FareShare regional centre takes that food and redistributes to those in need. FareShare Go is our supermarket collection service, which deals with supermarket-level surplus.